The Company complies with it’s continuous disclosure obligations as required by ASX and ensures that any material price sensitive information immediately communicated to the market (via the ASX announcements platform).
Investors are welcome to contact the Company directly via email or phone:
EML Payments Limited (ASX:EML)
373,155,763 (13 September 2024)
EML Payments is listed on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: EML).
Sonya Tissera-Isaacs
Level 12/333 Ann St
Brisbane City QLD 4000
07 3557 1100
07 3607 0111
Link Market Services Limited
Level 15, 324 Queen Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Postal Address:
Link Market Services Limited
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia
(within Australia): 1300 554 474
Facsimile: (02) 9287 0303
Heritage Lanes,
Level 11/80 Ann St,
Brisbane City, QLD 4000